Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Greenhouse Ministries started 15 years ago as a place where the hopeless in Murfreesboro could come and dare to dream about their future.  We started, and have continued to be, a place where people can come and get their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs met in a way that furthers them in life.  It was also founded as a place where the people in this community could come and volunteer; a place where the community would want to give back to and rally around.  In all of our 15 years we have depended on these volunteers to keep us going and to help us achieve our goals.

Lately, Greenhouse has been going through some changes...changes are inevitable as we grow, and also painful.  Because of these changes and growth, we have found ourselves in a season where we need even more volunteers.  We have entered summer and a lot of people go on vacations and stay home to spend time with their families...this is another reason why we need extra help right now.  Rutherford County is filled with wonderful people who have kind and generous hearts that have been the driving force behind our continual success.

We ask you now to pray to see if God leads you to volunteer with us.  We have opportunities in office and administrative work, peer counseling, teaching classes, helping in our Garden Patch Thrift Shoppe, processing and sorting donations, a volunteer nursing clinic for LPN and RNs, and general maintenance in the building.  Basically, if you have a talent, we can use it!

We can have volunteers of any age, if they are under 16, they just need to be accompanied by an adult while they are here, but volunteering as a family is always an option!

Our next Volunteer Orientation is Thursday June 12th at 10 am and 5:30 pm.  If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please call our offices at (615) 494-0499!

Thanks for being AWESOME supporters of Greenhouse...whether you volunteer, donate, or support us through your prayers, we really appreciate you!

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